There are over 4000 published medical studies detailing the effect of light therapy on a multitude of conditions – ranging from osteoarthritis, inflammation, peripheral neuropathy, tendon lesions, bacterial infections, nerve regeneration, anxiety, insomnia, post exercise recovery and much more.

Whilst our products are not yet registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia (so officially can only be recommended for animal use), the therapeutic effects are consistent for humans as it is for animals.


Offers an efficient and time effective therapy modality for all people young and old, both professional and recreational.  With no formal training required you simply place the pad directly over the area to be treated and let it do its work!

Treatment times will vary depending on the condition being treated however as a general rule if the pad is wrapped around a limb allow a treatment time of 15 to 20 minutes.  If the pad is laid out flat allow up to 30 minutes per session.  Sessions can be repeated 2 to 3 times a day initially then reduced to an “as needed basis” for best results.  The pads house both red and infrared wavelengths to enable greater depth of penetration.  All pads come with attachment accessories and an easy to read user manual.


  • Arthritis/Joint inflammation
  • Chronic Muscular pain including Back /Neck /Shoulder /Knee /Elbow
  • Tendonitis
  • Lymphatic drainage/Oedema
  • Peripheral circulation
  • Non-healing ulcers/Bruising
  • Wound management
  • Skin aging and scarring
  • Bronchial congestion
  • Flu and virus recovery
  • Headaches/Migraine
  • Concussion
  • Insomnia
  • Brain fog
  • Pre exercise stimulation
  • Post exercise recovery

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